Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • We are located at the intersection of Valencia Ave and Red Hill Ave in Tustin, CA near the Advanced Technology & Education Park (ATEP). The exact location is provided to confirmed enrolled students.

    Please keep in mind that our location can vary depending on the program host, as it could be at your student's primary campus if not at our Tustin location. Please verify the information you receive in our enrollment email.

  • No! We've got everything covered for your child. All they have to do is show up and enjoy a fantastic experience!

  • We sure do! If you’re interested in bringing our program to your campus, please read about how we work with schools by visiting our schools page.

  • Yes! Our comprehensive course, complete with an interactive remote lab, is perfect for schools, camps, and city programs. Tailored to fit all levels, we bring expert-led, real-world tech education right to your doorstep. Elevate your group's digital capabilities with us!

    Contact us for more details.

If your question is not answered here, please drop us a note!